Reports » Air Quality in London The First Report of the London Air Quality Network
Title: Air Quality in London The First Report of the London Air Quality Network  Author(s): Beevers, Sean; Bell, Sandra; Brangwyn, Mark & Rice, John  Date Published: 01/02/1994

The issues for London are considerable. In common with other cities around the world, London Faces the challenge of traffic congestion, atmospheric and environmental pollution, high population density and crowding. The London Energy Study has shown the extent of energy consumption and its potential impact on global warming and pollution. Although not comprehensive, health data have shown an increased incidence of asthma and other respiratory ailments amongst the population. An unprecedented air pollution incident affecting the London area in 1991 has raised concerns for London's air.

At the time, however, there was no co-ordinated framework for monitoring London wide air quality. Information collected independently by the Department of the Environment and London Boroughs was not pooled. Without the collation of data it was not possible to determine the quality of the air or to monitor trends in pollution.

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