Title: 2013 LAQN Summary Report Author(s): Louise Mittal, Timothy Baker and Gary Fuller Date Published: 06/02/2015 | |||
This report details the results of air pollution measurements made on the London Air Quality Network during 2013. Measurements have been presented with specific reference to the UK Air Quality Strategy (AQS) Objectives and the EU Limit Values. The London Air Quality Network (LAQN) is a unique resource, providing robust air pollution measurements that are essential to underpin air quality management and health studies. The public face of the network, the LondonAir web site (www.londonair.org.uk), is visited by thousands of Londoners seeking hourly updated air pollution information. The LAQN was formed in 1993 to coordinate and improve air pollution monitoring in London. The majority of London’s 33 boroughs supply measurements to the network and in addition these data are increasingly being supplemented by measurements from local authorities surrounding London, thereby providing an overall perspective of air pollution in London and the Home Counties. The LAQN is operated and managed by the Environmental Research Group (ERG) at King’s College London. QA/QC audits are carried out by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). Each borough funds air quality monitoring in its own area. The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) funds King’s to operate the Marylebone Road site and to maintain several of the LAQN sites as affiliate sites to the UK Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN). This Defra support assists the operation of the overall LAQN. Analysis of LAQN measurements has been augmented by measurements from directly-funded Defra sites in London. Measurements from Defra sites were provided by AEA from the National Air Quality Archive and were included within the LAQN database. Transport for London has also funded monitoring to help assess the air pollution impacts of the Congestion Charging Scheme and Low Emission Zone. |
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